Privacy Policy



Cycledios Management Sdn Bhd (“CycleDios” or “we” or “us”) is committed to protecting your privacy. We created this privacy policy to give you confidence as you visit the CycleDios website or mobile site or the mobile applications (“app” or “mobile apps”) and use the CycleDios services (the “services”) provided through the site / stations or apps, and to demonstrate our commitment to fair information practices and protection of privacy. Your use of the sited and the services is governed by this privacy policy and the terms of use.


Privacy Poly and Services


This privacy policy is only applicable to the CycleDios sites and apps and not to any other website or mobile site that you may be able to access from the CycleDios sites or apps (whether through an advertisement, service, or content link) or any website or mobile site of CycleDios’s partners or our affiliates, each of which may have data collection, storage, and use practices and policies that differ materially from this privacy policy.


You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the personal information you submit to CycleDios. Inaccurate information will affect the information you received when using our sites or apps an our ability to contact you as described in this privacy policy.



Information CycleDios Automatically Collects From You


CycleDios collects non-personal information about your use of our sites / services without the need of registration


Web Beacons


We or our third-party tracking utility company also use “web beacons” to collect anonymous information about your use of our sites and the websites of selected sponsors and advertisers, and your use of emails, special promotions or newsletters we send to you. Web beacons are tiny graphic image files embedded in a web page or email that provide a presence on the web page or email and send back to its home server information from the user’s browser. The information collected by web beacons allows us to statistically monitor how many people open our emails, are using our sites and services, and selected affiliates’, sponsors’ and advertisers’ sites and communications, and for what purposes. Our web beacons are not used to track your activity outside of our sites or apps, or those of our affiliates’ or sponsors’. We do not link non-personal information from web beacons to personal information without your permission, except in connection with our marketing, promotion, or similar initiatives alone or jointly with our business partners and affiliates.




We use “cookies” to customize our experience on our site and applications and, if you create a password, to store your password so you do not have to re-enter it each time you visit the site.   “Cookies” are small computer files that are transferred to your computer / mobile device’s hard drive that contains information such as your used id, user preferences, the pages you’ve visited and the activities you’ve performed while using the sites. We do not link the information stored in cookies to any of your personal information you submit while on the sites. You may block cookies or delete cookies from your hard drive; However, by disabling cookies, you may not have access to all features of the sites or application. Some of our business partners and our affiliates also use cookies to provide us with anonymous data and information regarding your use of the sites, apps and our services. We do not have access or control over these cookies, our privacy policy does not cover the use of such cookies.




Traffic Data


We automatically track and collect the following categories of information when you visit our website or app: 
(1)  ip addresses;

(2) Domain servers;

(3) Types of computers accessing the website;

(4) Types of web browsers used to access the website;

(5) Referring source which may have sent you to the website; and

(6) Other information associated with the interaction of your browser and website (collectively “traffic data”).

We do not link non-personal information from traffic data to personal information without your permission, except in connection with our marketing, promotion,  or similar initiatives alone or jointly with our business partners and affiliates.


Updating Personal Information


You may update your personal information by logging into your account, clicking on the my account tab and following the applicable directions.


Personal Information CycleDios Collects from you




In order for you to access certain areas of the sites, we may require you to register and provide us with certain personal information.


Personal information includes but is not limited to contact data (such as your email address, phone number, identity card number, passport number, information related to you Facebook account (“Facebook ID”), year of birth and password).  We use the personal information that you provide to respond to your questions, provide you the specific services you select, offer you other services we or our affiliates may provide and send you emails that are necessary or that we think may interest you. You may choose not to provide us with any personal information. In such a case, you can still access our site and app, but such access will be limited accordingly. To remove such data, please contact us at


Email to you


We may use your contact data to send you information to contact you when necessary, including registration verification emails, and in conjunction with your use of certain services. In some cases, when you click on a a link or an advertisement in an email, you browser may be momentarily directed to the website of a third party which, acting on behalf of CycleDios (see section 5 below), notes or “counts” your response to the email before redirecting your browser to your selected destination this redirection process may not be apparent to you.




Subject to the privacy policy, if you contact CycleDios, we may use any of the information you submit in connection with your inquiry, or any personal information and non-personal information when responding to your inquiries.



Use Of Information


We may use you contact data to send you information about CycleDios and our affiliates, or our products or services, to contact you when necessary and in conjunction with your use of certain services. We may use your traffic data to customize and tailor your experience e on the sites, in emails and in other communications, displaying content, products or services that we think you might be interested in and according to your preferences.



Market Research


From time to time, the CycleDios market research department, or our contractors and affiliates acting on our behalf, may conduct online research in order to gather feedback about our site and services, our affiliates and sponsors through email invitations, pop-up surveys, online focus groups, and social networks. When participating in such feedback, we may ask you to submit personal information. This personal information is used for research purposes and is not used for sales solicitations. When a survey is sponsored by an affiliate or other third party, aggregate information of the survey results is reported to the sponsor. Personal information collected through market research will be used on by CycleDios, our affiliates, our service providers and contractors, and successors, and will not otherwise be given or sold to another third party without your consent or as otherwise permitted by this privacy policy. We will not knowingly accept survey responses from or conduct interviews with any person under the age of 18. In addition to collecting survey responses from our members, cookies may be used to authenticate respondents or to help you pick up where you left off in a survey.


If you have cookies disabled, you may not be able to participate in some studies. Cookies may be used to connect survey data with CycleDios site usage characteristics. You will be notified when we would like to use cookies in this way and your consent will be requested for these cookies.



Use of Location Data


CycleDios collects real time data of location from users’ mobile phones to enable accurate tracking of trip routes, for the purpose of users location  our vehicles / products / bicycles and to provide a tailored experience for each user. Such data will not be disclosed to the public and may only be used for CycleDios and its partners for research and development purposes.



Information Collection by Third Parties (Not Acting on Behalf of CycleDios)


Certain content and services offered to you through our sites are served on websites hosted and operated by a company other that CycleDios or our affiliates (“third party contractor websites”).  CycleDios does not disclose your personal information to these third party contractor websites without your consent, but you should be aware that any information you disclose once you access these other websites is not subject to this privacy policy. CycleDios does not endorse and is not responsible for the privacy practices of these third-party contractor websites. You should review the privacy policy posted on any other website to understand how that third-party contractor website collects and uses your personally identifiable information.


Links to other websites


The CycleDios sites contains links to other affiliates’ and third party sites. CycleDios is not responsible for their privacy practices. Some sites may have the look and feel of our CycleDios sites. Please be aware that you may be on a different site and that this privacy policy only covers our CycleDios sites. Should you decide to visit one of these sites, we suggest that you read its privacy policy.


Disclosure of your information


We share certain categories of information we collect from you and about you form our affiliates and from restaurants in the ways described in this privacy policy. We share personal information and traffic data with our affiliates, vendors, and business partners information and traffic data with our affiliates, vendors, and business partners who assist us by performing core services (such as business consulting and continuity planning, marketing, promotion, data analytics, data processing, hosting, storage and security) and / or by making certain services available to our users. Those affiliates and business partners are bound to uphold the same standards of security and confidentiality that we have promised to you in this privacy policy, and they will only use your contact data and other personal information to carry out their specific business obligations to and to provide you with site carry out their specific business obligations to and to provide you with site related services. We may transfer information about you to another company in connection with a merger, sale or acquisition by or of CycleDios. In this event, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy. CycleDios does not share, sell, rent or trade your personal information with any third parties for their promotional purposes. We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and / or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our sites. We  share restaurant partner feedback provided about you with other restaurant business partners that you dine with through CycleDios  to ensure the best possible experience for all parties involved. For purposes of this privacy policy, such restaurants are deemed our business partners.




You agreed to defend, indemnify and hold harmless CycleDios and our affiliates from  all liabilities, claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys’ fees that arise from your use of the sites and services. CycleDios reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will cooperate with CycleDios in asserting any available defenses.


Other Permitted Disclosure


We may disclose your personal data as and when required or permitted by law. E.g. To regulatory authorities, statutory bodies or public agencies to comply with their requirements, policies and directives.





The personal information we collect about you is stored on a secure, password-protected server and only authorized personnel have access to your information. We use industry-standard encryption technologies with respect to the receipt and transfer of personal information you submit to us on the site and only authorized personnel have access to your information.


Nevertheless, despite our best efforts, no transmission over the internet and no data storage method can be guaranteed to be safe 100% of the time.


Choice / Opt-out


If you no longer wish to received emails, you may opt - out of receiving them by following the instructions included in each email or by contacting us via the contact us form



Transfer and Storage of Data


The sites are hosted on servers in Malaysia.   Accordingly, if you are located outside of Malaysia, the personal information you provide to us will be transferred to Malaysia. By submitting your personal information, you consent to its transfer and storage in Malaysia and its use in accordance with the purposes for which it was originally collected.



Changes Privacy Policy


We reserve the right, at any time, to add, to change, update or modify this privacy policy. So please review it frequently.  If we do, then we will notify you here, as well as by posting a notice on our sites and / or by emailing you. In all cases, use of information we collect is subject to the then-effective privacy policy.

We may use cookies or any other tracking technologies when you visit our website, including any other media form, mobile website, or mobile application related or connected to help customize the Site and improve your experience. learn more
